Mr. de Montebello is the author and publisher of a seventh grade science picture book and textbook entitled: © Exploring The Great Ice Age with Browser and Sequoia 2005-2014. 
 It has been endorsed by Cathy Ney, former USA and Virginia Elementary School Teacher of the Year.  No book on the market today explains the scientific and historical aspects climate change had on the world, some 100,000 years ago, drying up vast forests to create the great Sahara, which in turn heated up the  atmosphere and caused the Mediterranean to shrink, thereby creating three land bridges that allowed many fascinating animals and early man to undertake a great trek to the New World.
  As good as this book is with all its breathtaking pictures and diagrams, only the technologies of video and animation production and VICON Motion Capturing can bring this learning alive to the viewing student. 

One innovation that only Mr. de Montebello can provide to keep the viewing students interested will be the use of his Ice Age comic book characters as computer generated Images or CGI co-hosts and co-teachers, and Little Critters from DOWN HOME BIG TOM LITTLE CRITTERS.   Every animator in the industry and network executive knows one basic truth about the new technologies of animation.  “Kids are drawn to furry animals who talk.”  All of the animal character from both storylines talk, are intelligent and can entertain and teach the audience at the same time.  The plot could even be thicken by the use of the klutzy villainous Professor Payne and his genius antics.  Seventh grade level students enjoy cartoons and life-like animation and they would be drawn to a CGI Paleo-Indian boy, Mammoth or Einstein the genius Gray Rat.  Mr. de Montebello intends to adapt the book into a TV educational documentary series for young and adult alike.

All Images and Intellectual Properties © 1993 to present Richard de Montebello